Thursday, April 17, 2008

He's Finally Here!

Cache Thomas
10 lb. 7oz.

I came home from the hospital today (a day early) because I am really missing my bed. The only problem is, my bed is too high to get up into so I will have to get creative! It is good to be home. Bryce and I had a nice relaxing and quiet day here because the kids are at mom and dads. They are on their way home right now and we are preparing for our quiet little home to once again become the wonderful crazy home that it usually is. The kids can't wait to see their little brother again. I am going to have to get out my kitchen timer to rotate who gets to hold Cache. He is going to get a lot of attention, thats for sure. I stocked up on hand sanitizer and we are ready to go.

The surgery went beautifully. No problems at all. I am recovering quite well too. Other than the usual post surgery/delivery pains, I am doing great! Don't get me wrong, I am not doing cartwheels (yet!) I am excited to take it easy for awhile.

Cache is a perfect baby. I have only heard him cry once and that was because he gets a little impatient for food. All the nurses at the hospital fought over who got to hold him next because they all loved him so much. He is a big boy with lots to squish! Squishy babies are the best! So, that is all the news. We are so excited to have Cache! Here are a few pictures! The bloody ones are for Brian!!

1 comment:

Indiana Halversen's said...

Man,that is one great looking kid. In fact, what an awesome family. Way to go. Can't wait to see him in action.

Take care. Love Brian